Team Donegal Oil Adventure Challenge – A Woman’s Only Fun Sporting Event

News Blog

Complete beginners wanted……
Donegal Sports Partnership and Team Donegal Oil are delighted to join forces to run this women’s adventure challenge for individuals or teams. This is a fun event aimed at encouraging beginners to get moving again after such a long time in isolation.
We want people of all levels, including complete beginners, to sign up and join the community. We’ll work with you to provide free kayak training before the event and will point you in the right direction when it comes to training, nutrition and joining a cycling or walk/jog/run group.
Most of all it’ll be fun in the fantastic setting of Gartan Adventure Centre, 100% of the entry fee will go to Donegal Women’s Centre and Donegal Women’s Domestic Violence Service – DWDVS and the t-shirt and goody bag promises to be excellent. Come on #haveago.

Register on Eventbrite

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