Sport Ireland Winter Initiative

News Blog

The Winter Initiative kicks off in Donegal

Donegal Sports Partnership are encouraging everyone to get involved in the Winter Initiative, launched last week by Minister of State Jack Chambers the campaign will focus on getting as many people as possible active during the winter months of November, December and January.

Winter is often a time when people become less active due to the shorter daylight hours and worsening weather. However, getting involved in sport, exercise and physical activity have huge benefits to individuals and communities and the Winter Initiative is designed to ensure that these can be felt by as many people as possible.

Please register on Eventbrite HERE and to join our dedicated Facebook page to receive daily support and regular resources on how to GET ACTIVE & STAY ACTIVE. Sign up today to start your WINTER Journey!

Bellow you can also download the Exercise Tracker Calendar to help you organise your physical exercise routines. Any type of sport or physical activity can be used to completed your 90-minutes a week training goal.

Please use the links below to download the Winter Initiative Tracker Calendar.

Winter Initiative Exercise Tracker Calendar

Winter Initiative Exercise Tracker Calendar (Irish)

A Full List of Local Sports Partnership events are available here.

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