Adult & Older Adult Activity Programmes
Aqua Aerobics
Aqua Aerobics is a water-based exercise programme that caters for all levels and abilities. It is a great combination of fun and exercise. This is a joint initiative between Donegal Sports Partnership & Swim Ireland.
The tutor of this programme is a qualified Physical Therapist who guides the group in a range of exercises including strength, cardio, and resistance training. The exercise involves various body movements in a rhythmic style and is appropriate for all age groups.
Some of the benefits include;
- Less strain on joints
- Increased flexibility
- Improved cardiovascular conditioning
- People engaging in this form of aerobic exercise have been found to have high level HDL (good) cholesterol and healthy blood circulation
- Aqua aerobic exercises are also beneficial in treating medical disorders such as arthritis and osteoporosis
Getting Involved...
If you would like to organise a 6 week Aqua Aerobics programme for your group, please email