
Return To Sport Community Development Fund – Sport & Physical Activity


This round of funding is to support community and disability groups in developing actions plans to provide opportunities for participation in sport and physical activity.

The fund is aimed at;

  • Not for profit Community Organisations – examples community development, family resource centres, community halls and local sports complexes.
  • Disability Organisations seeking to provide opportunities for sport and physical activity to their membership.

Funding available per application will be between €1,000 and €4000; every effort will be made to distribute the available funding equally and fairly through this competitive application process. Organisations making application will need to ensure that they will be in a position to deliver on agreed action plans.

Funding will support the following categories;

  • Delivery of participation sports and physical activity programmes to community target groups including people with disabilities, women, teenage children, older adults and ethnic minorities.
  • Education & Training and the delivery of capacity building programmes and workshops.
  • Equipment to support the delivery of programmes including;
    • Health and Safety supplies to reduce the impact of covid-19
    • Sports equipment to support the delivery of local sports action plans.
  • Communication, Marketing and media costs.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who can evidence collaboration with target multiple groups within their communities.
  • Funding can support the enhancement of programmes such as Men on the Move, Couch to 5k, walking programmes etc.


Applications must be submitted by 25th November 2021.

Please note the following;

  • One application per organisation
  • All applicants will be required to provide bank account details.
  • No late applications will be considered.
  • All applications must complete online application form in order to be considered.
  • Applications are part of a competitive process
  • Drawdown of funding will be via receipts
  • Canvassing will disqualify

NB: DSP in processing applications and to avoid duplication of community funding will take into consideration community organisations who may have already received funding from national and local sources.

How To Apply

Expression of Interest

Complete this form to access the online application form.

Please note: You will be emailed a direct link to the application form if you wish to complete it at a later time.

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