
Health & Wellbeing

Women's Sport, Health & Wellbeing
A Woman’s Only Fun Sporting Challenge Register here: Team Donegal...
Adult & Older Adult Activity, Health & Wellbeing
Age & Opportunity are delighted to announce that the Active...
Health & Wellbeing
We are delighted to announce for the first time, in...
Women's Sport, Health & Wellbeing
HER Outdoors weekHER Outdoors Week is back from August 14th –...
Health & Wellbeing
Upcoming Primary school teacher training delivered by Health Promotion and...
Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health First Aid Ireland is hosting Youth Mental Health...
Community Sport, Health & Wellbeing
The Winter Initiative kicks off in Donegal Donegal Sports Partnership...
Women's Sport, Health & Wellbeing
Team Donegal Oil & Donegal Sports Partnership wish to announce...
Health & Wellbeing
What is the Living Well Programme?Living Well is a free...
Health & Wellbeing
Providing just the motivation needed to get your 2022 underway...

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