20×20 Female Leadership Programme

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20x20 Female Leadership Programme

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The aim of the programme is to provide training and support to women to help them achieve success in leadership roles in their sport. It will give women and young girls across Donegal the opportunity to enhance personal skills, increase their confidence and create networks with like-minded people across different sports.

Sessions will be delivered using a combination of both online and in person settings. The sessions will be interactive which will focus on developing confidence, leadership, resilience and effective communication.

The programme is specifically designed for female leaders over 16 years old working or volunteering in sport (Committee members, officials, coaches) and to those who want to pursue a future role in club activities.

Places will be offered via application process and as the course is heavily subsidised through Sport Ireland Dormant Accounts, we are able to offer it at 30 Euro per participant. Application deadline is:

Friday 14th October 22 12:00 pm
Friday 21st October 22 – 7:00-9:00 pm

Programme Introduction Face-to-Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.
Friday 28th October 22 – 6.30-9.30 pm

Performance Matters- Leadership Dynamics & Leading under Pressure Face-to-Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.

Saturday 29th October 22 – 10am- 4:00 pm

Performance Matters- Leadership Dynamics & Leading under Pressure Face-to-Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.

Thursday 3rd November 22 – 7:00-8:30 pm

Mindfit-Mind your Mental Health On Line -Zoom.

Thursday 10th November 22 – 7:00-8:30 pm

Mindfit-Communicate with Impact On Line- Zoom.

Thursday 17th November 22 – 7:00-8:30 pm

Mindfit-The code of Confidence On Line- Zoom.

Thursday 24th November 22 – 7:00-8:30 pm

Mindfit-Stress Less On Line- Zoom.

TBC CARA- Sport Inclusion & Disability Awareness On Line-Zoom.

Friday 25th November 22 – 6.30-9:30 pm

Performance Matters- Leading teams and individuals through change & Resilient Leadership Face-to -Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.
Saturday 26th November 22 – 10:00 am-4:00 pm

Performance Matters-Leading teams and individuals through change & Resilient Leadership Face-to -Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.

Friday 9th December 22 – 7:00-9:00 pm

End of programme Celebration Face-to-Face/Backstage, Century Cinema, Letterkenny.

Performance Matters Detailed Breakdown (18 Hours)

Module 1: Leadership Dynamics
Values and Behaviours
Role models
Module 2: Leading under pressure
How the brain works
Decision making under pressure
Module 3: Leading Teams and individuals through change.
How to build teams
How to inspire better performance
Module 4: Resilient Leadership
Developing Resilience in self and others
Delivering under pressure

Mindfit Detailed Breakdown (6 Hours)

Module 1: Mind your Mental Health
Maintaining good mental health & wellbeing
Module 2: Communicate with impact
Connect and be heard
Module 3: The Code to Confidence:
Overcome self-doubt, improve self-esteem & gain confidence
Module 4: Stress Less:
Shift your perspective of stress & find your positive headspace
Cara- Sport Inclusion & Disability Awareness (1.5 Hours)

This workshop is designed to build awareness around people with disabilities participating in community sport and physical activity.

Understanding Disability: to define and distinguish between the different disability/impairment groups
Increased Awareness: have an increased awareness of people with disabilities taking part in sport and opportunities in your community
Reflect and Evaluate: reflect and evaluate your own practice of inclusion

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